
✷ The Gladsome Knight ✷

Adventure - Combat - Long Term

◈ VOLUME WARNING: Song may be loud, mind your volume! ◈


Name: Julinaux Vallerin Hougoumont de Castelle-
Common Name: Julien Castelle-
Race: Wildwood Elezen-
Pronouns: He/They-
Birthplace: Coerthas (?)-
Height: Around 6 fulms and 8 ilms-
Eye Color: Blue-
Hair Color: Burgundy-
Age: Around 34 Summers-
Occupation: Levemete, Tavernkeep-
Combatant Style: Support-
Religion: The Twelve-
Patron Deity: Oschon, The Wanderer-
Alignment: Neutral Good 
Spoken Fluency 
Eorzean Common:Native
Dalmascan Common:Fairly Fluent

Likes & Dislikes

◈ Mulled Wine
◈ Hotpot Dishes
◈ Riding Chocobos
◈ Learning About Other Cultures
◈ Unplanned Adventures
◈ Overcomplicated Explanations
◈ Disrespecting other's faith
◈ Long Baths
◈ Paissas
◈ The Color Orange


Common Knowledge: ⟐
Uncommon Knowledge: ◇
Requires OOC Consent: ❖

The Gladsome Knight - A curious epithet, that of 'The Gladsome', but Julinaux's service to the Holy See of Ishgard saw him as a bright light of hope amidst the brutal battles of the Dragonsong War. Where skill in battle failed him, his reputation for keeping morale high in ever the darkest times was a boon in and of itself, and those who served beside the knight found themselves a second wind thanks to his charismatic words.Tried and True Troubadour -
Through trickery he still does fully grasp, Julinaux found himself gaining an uncanny understanding of all things musical. Rather than let these skills go to waste, this errant bard travels the land in search of inspiration for new ballads to add to his repertoire, and frequently can he be found settled upon a roadside performing for any who would stay a while and listen.
Buckler and Cudgel - In a bid to improve the livelihood of those Ishgard would rather forget, Julinaux took it upon himself to bring succor to the people of The Brume. Though his bouts of rampant errancy have left The Battered Buckler under the watchful eye of an associate, the hole-in-the-wall tavern has turned into a place where both high- and lowborn can mingle and share a meal in peace. It is a bastion for those seeking succor away from the chill of Coerthas' everwinter, though it has gained quite the reputation after having been besieged by countless odd individuals in the past.A second location, known as The Cracked Cudgel was opened up within the Twelveswood, and acts as a waystation for any would-be hero seeking leves via the Adventurers' Guild.A Questionable Heritage -
Disaster strikes when one least expects it, and this disaster was the worst any Ishgardian could ever be faced with. Having been forced to consume the magicked blood of a dragon, a terrible fate awaited The Gladsome Knight and many believed the corrupting influence would see him transformed like so many before. A wicked plot, and yet fate had other plans in store.
No transformation occurred, no twisted corruption consumed Julinaux -- he remained just as he was before. Had the blood not been 'pure' enough? Had he somehow resisted the effects? Or was his heritage not that of Ishgard, but of somewhere else entirely? All this questions and yet no answers, but many a blueblood within the Holy See have begun to question the legitimacy of the bard's bloodline. Just who was he?A Vow of Secrecy -
Vows are sacred to any knight, but doubly so are there to those locked in a seemingly eternal battle against dragonkind. However, what if one were to swear a vow of secrecy to protect one they cared for, obfuscating the truth from the ever-watchful eye of the Holy See?
Much of what occurred during the hunt for Teih Rysk remains shrouded in mystery to this day, yet one thing was certain: the majority of the unit sent to hunt the manipulative dragon were slain or tainted with the dragon's blood. Many were thought lost, yet one returned from the dead: Ser Vallienne Seaumert.Those who survived the ordeal knew the truth of the dragoon's survival, and it was from that truth that the vow of secrecy to protect both Vallienne and her family from inquisitorial scrutiny was born. A bold move, one that ultimately succeeded, yet the consequences for these actions would be felt for many turns to come. Was it the right call, or had The Gladsome Knight acted selfishly to protect one he cared for?


Click names for carrds, if these characters have one.

Pale Knight

Status: Deceased (33)
Occupation: Adventurer, Fugitive
Brief Description: A Roegadyn who earned the ire of an Ishgardian noble and a failed promise to see her name cleared. She is a memory that Julien seldom wishes to revisit, though it is one he wishes he could change.

Vallienne Seaumert

Status: Alive (31)
Occupation: Adventurer
Brief Description: An old ally of Julinaux's and one he worked closely with during his service to Ishgard. Though the two walked different paths, they would both bring aid to one another during their times of need and, ultimately, would find love with one another.

Viryen Syndelaine

Status: Alive (32)
Occupation: Voidsent Hunter
Brief Description: A Brumite Half-Duskwight that's a jack of all trades and a master with both spells and blades. A recently gained ally and friend of Julien's, and one he's come to rely on quite frequently in recent times.

V'thyra Lharah

Status: Alive (36)
Occupation: Hunter-scholar
Brief Description: An Ala Mhigan extremist with a penchant for sowing chaos against those she deems to be her enemy, and an unlikely -- albeit tenuous -- ally of Julinaux's.

Vauderame Nahr

Status: Deceased (34)
Occupation: Fusilier, Smuggler
Brief Description: The sole reason Julien was able to even find Pale Knight. Though the two only knew each other for a short time, their friendship prospered as they worked together.